Try this Clarinet Embouchure Stretch Exercise!

Clarinet embouchure

Prepare your clarinet embouchures! This is more intense than it may look at first glance! 😉

Here are our best tips for the clarinet exercise: 

⭐️ Keep the bad tension away - especially when you’re getting tired! Focus on freedom and intensity of air as your embouchure gets tired

⭐️ Focus on keeping a stable sound as you move to and from the throat tones

⭐️ Breathe when you need to, but try to make the breath quick and deep

⭐️ Ask: How is the embouchure supporting the sound? How are my voicing and air supporting my embouchure?


If this was your only long-tone-like warm up today, we wouldn’t disapprove! ;) BUT if you want more long tone exercises, download our 5-Day Long Tone Challenge for free here

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Hello there! I'm Ixi Chen, founder of the Digital Clarinet Academy. I am delighted that DCA has become the most trusted place to take your clarinet skills to the next level with world-class digital content and virtual training. Welcome to your virtual clarinet home!