Featured Bass Clarinet Pedagogue 

The 2021 Bass Clarinet Master Course features St.Louis Symphony Orchestra bass clarinetist and Artistic Director of the Ariel Concert series: TZUYING HUANG. 

Ms. Huang's course videos will be available March 29 with a masterclass takes place on April 3! 

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Tzuying Huang Bio

Tzuying Huang was appointed the Bass Clarinetist of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra in February, 2015 under music director David Robertson, and since 2019, has also held the position of Clarinet/Bass Clarinet with the Britt Music Festival in Jacksonville, Oregon. Ms. Huang is also the Artist Director of the Ariel Concert Series. Prior to joining the St. Louis Symphony, she played  Clarinet/Bass Clarinet with the Kansas City Symphony. Additionally, Ms. Huang has also performed with the Cleveland Orchestra and the Colorado Music Festival. As a chamber musician, Ms. Huang performs throughout the year with the Chamber Music Society of St. Louis, Chamber Projects St. Louis, and Missouri Chamber Music Festival. Outside of North America, she has performed in Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and Singapore. 


Ms. Huang is also an educator with seventeen years of teaching experience, having given master classes in Taiwan and North America. She also works with the St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra, and the St. Louis Symphony Education and Community Program, where she teaches in public schools in and around the St. Louis area. 


Ms. Huang’s awards and honors include a First Prize in the 2011 National Couer d’Alene Symphony Young Artist competition; an Honorable Mention from the 2011 National Midland-Odessa Symphony Young Artist Competition; First Prize in the 2012 National Music Teacher Association Music Competition state competition;  and First Prize at the 2012 Mid Texas Young Artist Competition, after which she was subsequently invited to perform, as soloist, Carl Nielsen's Clarinet Concerto with both the Couer d’Alene Symphony and Mid-Texas Symphony.


Ms. Huang has spent several summer as a Fellow at the Aspen Music Festival, one summer at the Tanglewood Music Festival, the Banff Music Festival, and the Young Artist Program of the National Arts Center in Ottawa, Canada. Holding a Masters of Music Degree as well as a Performance Diploma from The Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University-Bloomington, her former teachers include James Campbell, Joaquin Valdepeñas, Burt Hara, Nathan Williams, Wei-Ling Chen and Pei-Lin Lee.

Tzuying is also a Buffet Crampon performing artist, and D’Addario Woodwinds Artist. She plays exclusively on D'Addario Reserve Bass Clarinet reeds and Buffet Crampon clarinets and bass clarinets.

Chinese Bio


旅美台灣單簧管演奏家黃姿穎,2015 年在音樂總監David Robertson 的徵召下,受聘為聖路易斯交響樂團(Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra)單簧管以及低音單簧管演奏家。 2019 起加入布利特音樂節交響樂團(Britt Music Festival)擔任單簧管以及低音單簧管演奏家, 每年暑假固定在奧勒岡州的傑克森維爾(Jacksonville, Oregon) 演出。2020 的夏天,姿穎開始擔任Ariel Concert Series 藝術總監一職。在加入聖路易斯交響樂團前, 姿穎任職於勘瑟斯城交響樂團(Kansas City Symphony), 擔任單簧管及低音單簧管演奏家。旅美期間曾與克里福蘭交響樂團 (Cleveland Orchestra), 科羅拉多音樂節(Colorado Music Festival)合作。除了樂團演奏之外, 姿穎也時常參與Chamber Music Society of St. Louis,Chamber Projects St. Louis 以及 Missouri Chamber Music Festival的演出。 姿穎的演奏足跡遍佈世界各地以及美國各大城市, 如紐約卡內基音樂廳以及洛杉磯迪士尼音樂廳., 並隨樂團赴歐洲巡演。 


在忙碌樂團及室內樂演出的之外, 黃姿穎也有著豐富的教學經歷。除了在台灣以及北美開大師班,她也任教於聖路易斯青年管弦樂團,並參與聖路易斯交響樂團的教育與社區計畫,不定時地在大聖路易斯地區公立學校演出並擔任教學的工作。


現任聖路易斯交響樂團團員的她, 曾於克里福蘭交響樂團 (Cleveland Orchestra) 以及紐約愛樂 (New York Philharmonic) 低音單簧管甄選中,從世界各地一百多位好手裡脫穎而出,入選決賽以及超級決賽。 求學期間除獲得校內協奏曲比賽冠軍, 校外比賽屢屢獲獎,如 2011 年 National Couer d’Alene Symphony Young Artist competition 冠軍,2011 National Midland-Odessa Symphony Young Artist Competition Honorable Mention,  2012 年National Music Teacher Association Music Competition state competition 冠軍, 2012 年Mid Texas Young Artist Competition 冠軍, 並受邀以獨奏家身份與各樂團協奏演出Carl Nielsen單簧管協奏曲。 

曾受邀加拿大班甫音樂節(Banff Music Festival), 加拿大渥太華國家藝術中心青年音樂節 (National Arts Centre Young Artist Program),2011 年以全額獎學金受邀於波士頓交響樂團主辦之檀格屋音樂節 (Tanglewood Music Festival),2012年 至 2014年以全額獎學受邀至雅思本音樂節 (Aspen Music Festival),成為少數連續三年拿全額獎學金參與演出的音樂家。 


畢業於師大附中音樂班, 國立台北教育大學音樂系, 美國印地安那大學布魯明頓分校(Indiana University Bloomington)碩士班及音樂院演奏文憑。 2010以全額獎學金錄取德州大學奧斯丁分校(University of Texas at Austin)博士班, 並擔任單簧管助教。博士班第二年,受聘為堪薩斯城交響樂團全職單簧管及低音單簧管演奏家,曾師事 James Campbell, Joaquin Valdepenas, Burt Hara, Nathan Williams, 陳威稜及李佩玲。


黃姿穎為Buffet Crampon D’Addario Woodwinds 旗下的音樂家, 使用D’Addario 的低音單簧管竹片以及Buffet Crampon 的單簧管及低音單簧管。