Welcome! We are so glad you're here!

Now - we need you to do 3 things!


Fill out this quick form so we can get to know you better!

#2: Take a second and recognize your vision and forward-thinking... 


2020 and 2021 have forced us all to change and adapt in big ways. Instead of getting on an airplane, or packing your car with your suitcase, music stand, instrument and flip-flops for those summer festivals, you put on the Zoom. 

This year you've faced challenges, and whether in school or not, they have helped you grow. Your courage to take messy and bold action helped you to keep moving forward. And keep your commitment to your music making. That deserves to be celebrated and amplified! 

The fact that you're here means you are ready to play a bigger game, have access to incredible artists and experts you might otherwise not be able to learn from. You know this! You recognize the connections we can make in the digital space, and you are going to turn it into big things! 


Request to join your private Facebook group! There you will put up your favorite professional headshot and introduce yourself! Where are you based, what are your biggest ideas?

Join FB group



This is a game-changing program

As you know, this is not a festival, it's not a course. It's a whole different thing altogether.

Think of us as your pocket coaches, giving you golden nuggets of wisdom each month that will keep your mind right, your imagination open and your confidence intact.  

Our Challenge 

We are making this experience one you can't get in person. How in the world can you have sustained and monthly access to so many experts at an ongoing basis? 

On top of that, we are here with love and creativity to support you in between classes. 


Ixi and Tiffany, your Thrive co-directors, our instrumental co-hosts, and featured preeminent pedagogues and experts, are looking forward to meeting you throughout the year!

Check your email for additional details. In the meantime, get in that Facebook group and start saying hello to others who, like you, are ready to blast into the next level of artistry!